President’s Volunteer Service Award 2023-2024
President’s Volunteer Service Award 2023-2024
Application Timeline
Award Year:9/01/2023-8/31/2024
Application Submission Dates: 9/01/2024-9/20/2024
Review Dates: 9/21/2024-9/30/2024.
Award Presentation Date: 12/07/2024 Potter Violins
Submission Detail
Please send the following documents(between 9/01/2024-9/20/2024), including the SSL hours Tracking Sheet (download), and Proof of SSL Hours, via email to: sslmusicaid@gmail.com.
Ensure to include PVSA+ Your Name +Birthday+School Name (consistent with this application form) in the email subject line. For example, PVSA+Anna Swift+03/20/2009+Richard Montgomery High School
Please note that MusicAid is not responsible for any consequences resulting from non-compliant materials.